
here we go again.

i'll do a runthrough of the basics i suppose. i've found that while some people love my long, rambling posts filled with loads of incorrect grammar, others cant take the time to read it all the way though. SO heres to you, people who like to read through blogs in 2 minutes or less and comment only if something huge/a about you is mentioned.

ha. sorry if that sounded mean. i've actually had a pretty good couple of weeks.

the dance!- was so much fun. so much. although i came out of there looking like i had taken a shower. seriously people were dripping with sweat, there was a cloud above the dance floor, and it smelled of dude( both meanings of the word ;) ). i danced with.. a lot of people i guess. a lot of older guys. that one guy that i had a huge crush on for the longest time. 3 times. and i was very happy. i dont know. all in all it was a great night. i freaked for real for the first time with al. which was (not)awkard, but we both got progressively better as the night went on. so it was all good. i dont know if i ever mentioned that i'm on student council? well i am. and so i stayed afterwards and breathed in helium and ms.L told me that it kills more brain cells than crack so i stopped.

SO i guuess i changed my mind. this post will be long and wordy. yay!

the marian game- i started! YES. and played for most of the whole game, and tom even played me in at center forward even though most of the team was there. AND we were winnning for most of it, AND we tied them, but i dont rreally care because they tied pioneer, the best team in the state. in the last 5 minutes of the game someone took a free hit and ended up driving the ball into a girl's head. she was bleeding all over the place and they almost called an ambulance but she ended up walking off the field. she needed 25 stitches. pretty cool. anyway i had to leave as soon as the game ended without getting my bagel. it was getting late and i was starving. didnt get much lunch. and i had to go on stage

the ride home with erica and her dad- tried and tried to study the words to my song for activate the cure. didnt really work out. there were some minor distractions. and traffic was horrible. but at least i found half a bag of trail mix! my throat hurt from playing in the cold so i was drinking water desperately trying to get it back to normal. never drink gatorade to help your voice.

activate- went surprisingly well. i got there and freaked out when i realized that i didnt have the right outfit and not enough time to shower. so i put something together to wear and put my hair up so you couldnt tell that i had just come from a game. then julia, amie and i warmed up our voices together. it was pretty great. i feel like we all just boosted each others confidance 100%. before the show i sung my song over and over and over again to myself, all the whhile freaking out( again) because i couldnt for the life of my remember what my starting pitch was. well mr. denato was a HUGE help. basically i learned this song in 3 days. the first day mr. cohen said it was a lost cause, and on day 3 they congratulated me on being able to pull it off. and i think i did a decent job. i was told i did. but you know me i'll never beleive i did good. o well. i spent the whole second half chilling with fern and watson up in the dressing room. it was so much fun! fernando= the shit.

bedtime- i'll finish sometime in the next week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

finish when you can, because i enjoy reading. your posts are interesting.

field hockey sounds really dangerous..you could get killed!

jeez...the dance was a WHILE ago.