
making u wait in between posts just makes them all the more fun when i actually do update

hey guyss. long time no post. and i've been saying i would for a while, but i just havent had the time. and i have all my homework done before 9 o clock for the first time since we've gotten back from break, which is great. so i'm updating while talking to alex and nina watching house. ok now i've decided i really dont wanna update. at all?

-plays going ok..we're really far behind and half the 7th graders might as well not be in the thing at all. its not worth staying after school until 5 every day when so many people arent going to show up anyway.
-i've been doing really bad in math for the past week and we have our chapter 10 test tomorrow. really sscared. i'm gonna do some more studying before i go to bed i think.
-nolans mom kicked his shoes out of the way (ya i'm on the phone with him now)
-ok now he had to go. and i'll finish this tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

you studied in the car today! that was a little extreme

nolan's mom pushed his shoes out of the way? of what?

~ forever and always... said...

I havn't yet managed to get hw done b4 9. I'm impressed. How'd you do on the math? I mean in a good/bad way. I don'T NEED to know your score... :p


Anonymous said...