hey all. long time no.. type? read? life has been pretty full lately. and updating on everything just seemed like a pain after it kept piling up.
the biggest thing was probably the play. the first night didnt go too well, but the second night i think i, personally, did a lot better. i am SO proud of everything that we accomplished in such a short amount of time. i mean, we really had nothing done until those last 3 dress rehearsals and i didnt know my lines until the second night. seriously, i was reading lines in between scenes. one of the best parts was probably that my parents invited my friend pranavi to come see me. for those of you who dont know her, she was one of my best friends from webster. anyway it was really cool to see her again and i had a minor flip out which is always fun. i love maddie and grace. they are AMAZINGLY funny. probably the best parts of the show.maddie and i are planning to have a sleepover for some of the cast members. but anyway,mckenna was fabulous, haley was smokin, jenny was manly[ in the best way possible], jordyn was tall, max was hilarious, and i think i want to shoot some of the 7th graders. but THATS OK, cuz some of the others leveled them out. sam = my favorite 6th grader, just fyi. david and xander are great and i'm going to cry when david leaves. mr. early and i are friends. fiona and amie are great. i dont have a problem with louis anymore. i think mr. posante hated my guts there for a while cuz i had a cold and my voice was kinda really bad for the first couple days that he saw me. but anyway thanks for all of you that came to watch. hope u had fun.
andd a whole bunch of other things happened, then there was this past week. nina made a really cool skirt. and some people signed my yearbook. and we're doing dance in gym and its just so much fun. there were some rumors going around and there were some other issues but i'm pretty sure everythings fine now. my science project with mckenna and jeff looks really cool. i dont garentee that it will work, but it definitely looks really cool. its a skatepark, and lets just say we had a really good time painting. right now i should be practicing my lines for my comedy thing with jeff yet again. he's pretty cool. i kinda wish more people took the time to get to know other people.. but anyway. arent our scenes supposed to be funny? at least a little? ours sounds like its tryingto be funny, but it simply is not. we have my favorite sub in latin- ms. jiles (sp?). we worked for the first couple of days and then the last day we just hung out outside talking about the expulsion and some of the ways that our grade is divided. and not cool. and how next year we're not going to be welcomed into the high school. i find that to be quite a shame. but i'm still proud to say i'm in the class of '11. we may not be "cool" but at least we're unique.
wow. only 4 more days of school until exams.* GH AWARDS ON THURSDAY. i know rayray will get one. i wanted some to win but i was absent when they voted and kept forgetting to ask if i could nominate* nolan and colin and matt and kevin and denise and kayla and maybe kat and chris and i think a few others are leaving. i'll miss them. and tomorrow will be the last monday of my middle school career. oh my. this summer is going to be the best one yet. and i know i said that last summer, but this summer i plan i having the courage to call people up and say "hey lets do something". this summer nina and i are good friends. this summer lauren lives close. this summer haley doesnt hate me. this summer i know saras dance schedule better. this summer i have much more confidence. this summer i'm allowed to walk to the mall with my friends. this summer i'm going to run every morning and get into the best shape of my life. this summer i will be tan. this summer i will be blonde. this summer i will write an essay. this summer i'm going to watch the beer belly league at least once a week. this summer i'm teaching aaron to play all kinds of sports. this summer i'm going to get ice cream from the ice cream man. this summer i'll only wear closed-toe shoes if its imperative. this summer i have a boyfriend. .. =]
I belive it's Giles
I'm included at least twice in your post! :D It makes me happy!
Painting = fun
We could make a living being modern artists.
and you were marvelous in the play.
Isn't your boyfriend just delectable? lol. Word of the day. Love the pic. And, for the blonde comment, I'll only be a dirty one, If I manage to get out of the shakles of my house. Its the only place I can get away from the arguing parents. Outside, where the rain sothes me and the sun kissess me and the water embraces me and the grass hugs me and the trees hold me and the wind plays games of "are you nervous yet." Sry. Its late and I'm venting. Hoozah. See ya in school with my shnazzy-not-to-different haircut.
....what do shoes have to do with anything? heheh....you should start doing stuff with people leaving. ALL of them. At least the interesting ones. XD. So YOU guys did the skatepark. I wondered who'd done it. and...OH MY GOD, 'Kenna got a haircut!!!
there were some rumors going around and there were some other issues but i'm pretty sure everythings fine now
whoa..i dont think i've ever seen anything more vague other than lindsay lohan's mom saying "some girls were mad at lindsay and they did things and said some stuff."
we will hang out this summer...no doubt 'bout it. :] and thanks about the skirt -- i fixed it so it doesnt look so stupid.
boyfriends. i hope to have one sometime in 9th grade, but you never know. we might not even be FRIENDS in 9th grade...though i might get scared if we're not.
aw, diana! i love when you postt. looking forward to cedar point, too. that's going to be so, so awesome. would it be okay for you and jess to come over again? what was fun. we would do it better this time. i think. well, whatever.
this summer haley doesnt hate me.
funny child.
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