
havent written in a while. this week was so hectic i dont even know where to begin. how about monday? yeah, monday.

monday--> my birthday and katherine's. it wasnt too great. not very many people knew it was my birthday to begin with, but had no trouble taking more than their share of the treats i brought to lunch. i remember i got something back and i got a b- or something and was pissed but i cant for the life of me remember what. we started our project in science. i was with nick and josh. we had some crazy ideas from the beginning but everything fell into place in the end and mrs. gleason was pretty dang impressed. but then after school we had our first play rehersal. we did a readthrough and i realised that i actually am not supposed to kiss jordyn for my part, but mr. early might add it in.ehh. daisy mae though. pretty rockin =]
that night i went home and had lashish, a whole lot a math homework, but once everyone got home around 930, a got a whoole bunch of underarmour stuff from my parents.

tuesday--> i have no idea. lets just go onto the rest of the week as a whole. lots of play practicing. OH we had the parent student meeting thingy.

i'll wrte more later i'm watching sixth sense.


Anonymous said...

ohh. i hope next years birthday *THE BIG 1-5* will be better.

i dont know why 15 is so much more important than 14, it just is.

Meghna Rao said...

We had to make up with them because my mom like...had a fight with them over all the stuff they were doing wrong. haha.

Meghna Rao said...



Meghna Rao said...

OH MAN IT CUT THE URL OFF. I'll give it to you some other time.