
right now i'm on the phone talking to nacho and he's probably the sweetest person in the world. in fact, it is quite possible that he is the most awesome person i have ever met. not to mention the fact that he plays laccrosse. which makes him hot. this is why, this is why, this is why he's hot. he's hot cuz he's fly. he's fly and ur not. =] and he also takes amazing photographs and would totally go shopping with me if i wanted to. cuz u dont have to be gay to like shopping, even though he's not gay.. and he doesnt really like shopping that much.

^ too bad he's moving to colorado :( how come my high school frends are all leaving next yearr.. ok maybe not. margot prolly is, and kevin, and will acton too. boo.

again, no posts in a long time. but life is good. verry good. extremely good in fact.

last friday = AWESOME. i mean, it was a z day which makes things better automatically, but there was tons more. i learned that i brought up my grade in math.i barely got that A that i was hoping for. i also won the mcdowell for the essay that i slaved over (and got 75 bucks to barnes and noble). after that i went to saras house and we hung out eating bean dip and watching her dance tapes and making ourselves look good with that not-looking-like-u-tried-too-hard look :). her parents werent going to let her come to the lock in, so we had to convince them to let her come. and that included cleaning her room, but thats ok. the point is we got the hoops for hunger on time and basically just hung out for a while since i'm pretty bad at basketball. i watched the 3v3 tournament and talked to some awesome 6th graders. i played hockey with jamie and some 6/7th graders and met ms. ostrander's boyfriend, chad. he's nice. but then i toenail decided to die on me so i had to go into steve's office and take it off :/ it was gross. and it hurt a lot. anndd what else? well i guess the lockin started. at first it was pretty boring. then i played more floor hockey with people for about an hour or 2. mr mahoney came up to me on monday to tell me how great i was. even though i was sitting on top of the cubbies doing my homework. lol. thenn i came into the gym and people were playing TorD. but as soon as i came in some people followed me and the game sort of slowed down. but some stuff did happen. people actually did things. then kevin played basketball against mr. jones, which was cool. i think he won? and i hung out for a while with a bunch of other people doing random stuff until the movie where me, sara, haley, colin, and kevin hung out in/on my sleeping bag watching other people and talking about everything but the movie. and colin gave us his impression of two people in a sleeping bag. and kevin gave me boy advice. and then i got a cookie and watched colin and sara do ddr and then went back into the gym to play yet another game or TorD. :). then we had to separate into gyms so haley and i stayed up for a while talking and sara fell asleep then ... i have to blank the next part out. and then haley and some people were like..running around the gym doing random stuff so i got in my sleeping bag and slept for maybe half an hour. then we woke up and had bagels and nolan pulled me around the gym while i held onto a pillow and then they beat up max and they all got in trouble for that and writing on people while they were sleeping. then i went to whole foods with my mother and then i came home and slept. and that was mr. friday.

yesterday was fun too, for the most part. except i came into school wearing ripped jeans so mrs. ward lent me her sweatpants, which were actually pretty comfy. and stylinn. except i had stayed up until 130 the night before talking to nacho soo i was really tired and made a whole bunch of stupid mistakes on the math test. but o well. i went to play rehersal, but as it turns out they didnt really need me so i just talked to haley for a while, then meghna and stephanie. then meghna and i went back to the forum and i hung out there taking pictures of random things and practicing my dance with jordyn WHICH YOU WILL ALL LOVE BTW. thenn i went to king with rachel denise and jessica then came back becuz rachel was going to get in trouble and i forgot the tickets at school. so we came back and i called nolan and we talked for about 45 minutes. and it was great. i really love nolan. he's so easy to talk to. so then my dad came and got me and we went out to this really good restaurant with my grandma. and then we saw hercules leaves his mark. which was long, but really good. then when i got home i opened my present from my gma and it was a bible.. theres a long story behind me, diana, getting a bible, but i appreciate it and i'm going to read it all eventually i think.

everyone in our grade has been especially nice lately it seems. which is good. . and i know about that thing thats supposedly gonna happen in dc. and i'm thinking about it, but i'm not so sure. so i'll just think some more. and think and think and think. OMg DC is TOMORROWWW. so i'm gonna go finish packing. o shit. futures starts tomorrow too! ahhh so nervous :| u have no idea.


joshehpü said...

ew. the toenail.
you have changed.
post more often, i really like reading them.

Anonymous said...

looking at you from 7th grade, you HAVE changed.
but then again, who hasnt?

KATherine said...

well duah youve changed from 7th grade. diana good loard, you can guess what im talking about.