happy cinco de mayo!
i can't seep. its 6 in the morning and i cannot fall asleep. i mean its monday, sure but you'd think that my recent lack of sleep would lead me to at least TRY and catch up whilst i can. alas, i am not. so i'm hoping that sitting here typing away at my computer will either wake me up a ton or force me to realize that i need sleep in order to function or do the hours and hours of homework that i'll be catching up on throughout this wonderful spring day.
so its been a while. what's new?
the musical. was amazing. and i will miss the cast like no other. you will not understand what it feels like to be a part of that cast until you have BEEN a part of that cast. the parties arent even the half of it. they're so accepting and interesting and hilarious and sexual and intelligent and creative. i could go on for hours. fern :( i will definitely cry at graduation. i'm more close to the senior class than i am to the junior class. although it should really be the other way around for my benefit, its not.
i'm running for secretary of student council. fun. i'm up against alex kuwada. blah.
futures. i don't suck as much this year, though i still suck somewhat. i have sunburn and there are two weeks until regionals. poor rocci. i'll have to tell her i can't sing at moonwinks. :DD YES.
i started voice lessons with wendy bloom. i'm totally pumped. she's so well known and really nice. i think i'll learn a lot.
in choir there is a small group of us singing down to the river to pray. YAY. i've had it stuck in my head ever since i saw oh brother where art thou and i cant believe they ACTUALLY took my idea to sing it for our little group. the thing is, i don't know if mr. c knows i had anything to do with the decision. i think he's mad at me. but i'm sure he's not.
Why am i not tired yet? i have a lot on my mind. a lot. and no one in our grade likes each other and that bugs the shit out of me. yeah right we're a tight knit class. and i'm not saying i'm not guilty of being a part of this. its just that we act so nice to each other then bash each other all over the place.
its freezing in my room. i think i'm catching my dad's cold.
i hate comma splices.
its hard not being able to tell your best friends what's going on in your life.
i'm sorry, i know what you mean about the grade being so hateful, i know i'm a part of that too, but i don't mean to, and i hope you realize that it's just me, and i promise i don't dislike you or anyone else in the grade for that matter, i'll get over it - no worries. i hate comma splices too. bleiech!
the musical was fantastic. i will vote a million times for you for secretary.
oh, and does that mean i don't have to learn a piano song for moonwinks?
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