hey all- posting now since it hasnt been too long but a lot has happened and i'll probably be up late again.
went to lo and katherine's lake house that they're moms are renting for the summer. btw thanks guys so muchh. i got there and was greeted by this 4 year old named emma. she gave me a big hug and then danced to sexyback. sexually. then we hung out and ate and checked out the beach and tanned.we found lots of sea glass. and on a walk we also found lots of dead fish. we also took the best nap i've ever been a part of, and laurens mom took pictures of it. and she made really really good cabbage for dinner. i have no idea how she did it. i wish i were italian.then later we went to trevors and went JET SKIING. most amazing thing i've been on in a while. katherine and i went ZOOM ZOOM. and then it broke down. the first time we were close enough to swim back, but the second time his dad came out on his kayak and fixed the boat out there on the water. then we went in the hottub and had some fun. and then we came home and made smores and then just sat around talking and eating graham crackers and chocolate. i gained like 5 pounds on this trip but it was completely worth it. we found lots of sea glass. and on a walk we also found lots of dead fish. we also took the best nap i've ever been a part of, and laurens mom took pictures of it. and she made really really good cabbage for dinner. i have no idea how she did it. i wish i were italian. then the next day we woke up to emma and then went and tanned and swam and got some amazing gnocchi and onion rings and had some awkwardly funny conversations. then we came back and michael said i could be in his band [though i doubt i'll ever actually get to] and we sat around waiting for laurens mom to come and then she came and i had a whole hershey bar and we rode back to katherines house where my dad picked me up and we went to my gmas house to shower then straight to polo fields for aarons gymnastics banquet. we got in, ate some sicknasty food, and then my parents let alex and i leave once people started to give speaches so we went and hung out in a park for a while. then we came back and showed our parents some dance moves before we had to leave. not all that much happened except aaron got jealous of alex's pink shirt so the next day my mom and i went out and bought one for him.
thenn the next way was aarons birthday. meghna came ovverrr and we went go karting and mini golfing and looked at stuff on my computer and called colin and nolan about grades. and then mickey, who is more like my brother than my brother, stayed until 11 cuz his mom was at a wedding and we saw evan all mighty. it was ok i guess. mostly i had fun with the little devil.
DIANA HAS GOTTEN HER FIRST EVER B. yes, its true. and i'm proud. on my math exam, i got a B.
and today i woke up, went to oak park to the deli and bakery, had a bear claw for lunch, then did a relay for life for about an hour. see, my uncle is really cool. and when he was told that he should wear patriotic things ( cuz that was the theme for the hour) he decided to wear a patriotic biking outfit and red white and blue high tops. i love my family.. then picked up gramma and came back here, sliced pickles, and we had aarons bday dinner cuz my uncles in town. then we opened presents.
I GOT A WII!!. well, he got the wii. but its really mine :]

then i went on a walk with my dad and then we played catch and i got hit in the face.
yup. pretty much it for the updating. here are some random thoughts..
-lately i've found myself paying more to attention economic/social class.
-i've been pigging out since school let out but that doesnt keep my parents from asking if i'm eating enough.
-read aj's blog. his opinion on relationships are on par with mine. i dont feel like writing it all out.
-i love chocolate. ever so much.
-i'm so good at playing catch.
-jews kick booty
-i smell things too much.
-i think i'm smarter than everyone else when in all reality i'm not.
-talking on the phone is so much fun. if you are ever bored, dont hesitate.
-i have a hard time talking to girls. other than maybe 5 of my closest friends.
-i hope i dont have a lump on my head tomorrow.
-we're friends again :):):) and i couldnt be happier.
-oooh. i just died in your arms tonight.
i'd like to make one of those posts with shout outs to everyone, and i think i will. gimme a couple days
this ones so.. not detailed. at all. SO much more has happened. but i'll stop in attmpt to make it not quite so long so as people might actually read the whole thing.and not just when they're bored in telodo with nothing to do.
you're too open minded for me. your mind is too big for open mindedness, miss b. that means i got a b-, you jus wait and see. ho. =D
who is friends with you again?
nice post. i dig the pictures.
Sounds like fun. I LOOOOVEEE jet skiing!
Back to packing. Unpack Wisconsin, repack for Macinac. My summer is a mess. actually, I'm a mess. But I blurted to maya, and I actually vented. and it felt good. and I never have vented as much as I did. Wow, yay! somebodies just a blabber. grrrr!!! *slaps self* all better! toodles and hope you have a great summer...
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