
nina josh and meghna want me to update.

so i am! sorry about that last post being kind of emo. i know that i'm just finding new people that are interesting to me. like i was just thinking about dc and how i spent SO much time with people that i hardly used to hang out with at school, but now i think i will.

the past weeks been ok. wait i didnt post about dc? wow. well dc was good and bad. the dinner theatre was horrid. but the luminated tour was great. deep convos with nolan and josh. piggy back rides from a lot of people. sara and i had a lot of beffer time. my room was the shit. dorthea and carolyn are wicked sweet . its too bad it took me so long to get to know them. the best times i think happened on the bus though. i was on the good bus :) [and ANNA SOBEL IS AMAZING BTW]. but mr. jones kind ruined some of the good moments. and then there was the time when we got our bill from the hard rock and it was 130 dollars. and i saw some baby monkeys at the aquarium. and i took a lot of pics but not enough of people. and that kinda bugs me. i got a pair of capris when sara haley and i went to american eagle. we were going to get matching bras but then some . people.. had to be there. the spy museum wasnt all that amazing, but once i got to actually look at stff it was good. aj was my partner at the holocaust museum. it wasnt as bad as i thought it'd be. but some of the videos got to me. i mean its my family, ya know? nothing else really happened worth mentioning... :D:D:DD:D. unless you know what that means, in which case YAY i'm happy.

breakk. what did i do? well i cleaned out my room. which took forever because my room is a freaking pitt. its a disaster. its just bad. so i cleaned out the whole thing. then on.. thursday? i think it was. well i went to ninas. we braved the cold and went downtown. and got starbucks :) it was grand. and we also looked at pictures and went on the internet and did something else that i just cant remember. well i decided i love her brother. he's pretty great i think. i dunno how she feels about that though..
" you want some bagel?" "sure is it plain?" "yea" ".. nina this is onion. "
^ and so many more.

and on friday alex and i saw blades of glory. i killed him in air hockey :) and the movie was really funny. was fun. i like alex.

and on saturday i got my haircut and then had futures in the freezing cold and snow. like half of the girls showed up + i was sick, but it was the best futures i've ever been to i think. i did pretty well and met some people.

josh was supposed to come help me paint my room, but no. he had to go to OHIO. so katherine came over today to help. and we had a blastttt :p and then i saw meet the robinsons with my brother and dad. it was horrible. dont see it. please.

tomorrow i'm going to haley's for the day and we're meeting alex at colonial in the afternoon.
i hope its not awkward. i bet it wont. but anywho it'll be fun. gotta go to bed. waking up at 7 :/ bahh


Anonymous said...

thankkkk you for the movie review. i won't see that. i wasnt even going to in the first place, but i deff won't now.

REMEMBER, we were smelling that AWESOME hair stuff! :] i just remembered that.

dc was pretty fun. and even your description sounds tiring, but we hardly got any sleep! i think they were trying to kill us with slow, gradual sleep deprivation.

oh, well. it WAS fun, after all.

see you monday!

Meghna Rao said...

Yes...DC was definitely a good trip.

I bet bowling wasn't awkward :)

~ forever and always... said...

uhm could you kindly tell me what futures are? I feel deprived of knowledge. Yeah DC was cool. I was also really moved by the holocaust, and its not my heritage. The Iluminated Monument tour was good, but that was the night I twisted my ankle, hence steve giving me a cast thingy made out of this greenfoamtape stuff and white tape. fun. (sarcasim) Do you know how hard it is to walk in heels with a twisted ankle?

BOE! said...


because alex is not an awkward person.

i am though.
so it might have been awkward a little it.
but it was fine.
and fun.

paddyd said...

PADDYD BLOG http://paddydiscool.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

i'd appreciate you updating AGAIN. :D

Abbalicious said...

hey its abby s..cool blog! i liked DC too. the holocaust museum got to me too. blades of glory was amazingly hilarious!